新闻 2024年6月27日



6月21日是法明顿镇成立一周年纪念日, 新墨西哥, team members rescuing a drowning citizen in Lake Farmington while performing maintenance procedures. 法明顿湖是这个高沙漠社区的重要饮用水资源.

对法明顿来说,平常的一天变得不那么平常了, 新墨西哥, team members as they embarked on semi-annual maintenance procedures at the lake tower on Lake Farmington and ended it with saving a life. 

6月21日, 2023, 阳光灿烂, and a small team of Farmington professionals gathered for their tailgate safety meeting to identify and manage all hazards and risks associated with their tasks that day. 他们不知道, this day would turn into a remarkable testament to their unwavering commitment to safety and their swift, 拯救生命的反应.

敬业的团队, 由仪器和控制技术员Ramon Chacon组成, 维修主管迪伦·哈拉登, 技工Lance Lee, 首席机械师艾萨克·莫拉和操作员肖恩·伍德菲尔, 是否做好了充分的准备,并专注于安全执行湖上的维护活动. 安全讨论不仅包括他们的任务范围,还包括划船安全, 强调态势感知的重要性.

“我们有两名新员工, and we were showing them the ins and outs of our maintenance procedures at the lake tower,艾萨克回忆道。. 

经过缜密的计划和严格的安全规程, 船员们于上午9点45分登上浮筒船.m. 到达湖塔,位于湖中央. 到10:30.m., the team successfully completed their tasks and headed back to the boat ramp to load the boat on the trailer.

然而, the day took an unexpected turn when kayakers on the lake approached the team during their post-job meeting and informed them a small sailboat capsized. 这些队伍背对着湖面,所以他们没有看到倾覆的船只. The lake only allows non-motorized watercraft; so, our team owned the only boat that could reach sailor in distress fast enough to assess the situation, 当时船离海岸只有200-300码. 

“Four people jumped on the boat, and they were in the water within two to three minutes,” says Lance. 

“我们都毫不犹豫地跳上了船,”雷蒙补充道. “我们一推出, we immediately crafted our safety plan and determined who was going to throw the lifebuoy ring.” 

Isaac, Shawn and Ramon reached the capsized sailboat within minutes but were concerned. 当我们走近船的时候, 有一件事很特别,我们没有看到任何水花或涟漪, 所以我们做了最坏的打算,但又抱着最好的希望,艾萨克说. 

当他们到达帆船时, 他们没有浪费时间, 把救生圈扔给一个明显挣扎的人. 通过协调努力, 肖恩和艾萨克把这个疲惫无助但还活着的幸存者抬上了船. He did not require immediate medical attention but was visibly exhausted and relieved to see our team. 

“你从来没有为此训练过,但我们没有犹豫. Everyone was unselfish, and we thought about the man in the lake the whole time,” says Ramon.

队员们把这名男子带上岸,并把倾覆的船只拖到码头, staying on-site to observe him and displaying the team's unwavering commitment to safety even after the 紧急 passed.

“The team's ability to transition seamlessly from their maintenance work to a rescue mission was a testament to their training and dedication to safety,项目主管菲利普·约翰逊说. 

It's clear the 正规博彩十大网站排名 team's commitment to safety extends beyond their regular duties. They are now discussing the creation of a new standard operating procedure (SOP) to cover boat rescues so that they are even better prepared for future potential emergencies.

“Our operators are trained to be operators; they’re not trained to be rescuers,区域健康和安全经理鲁本·阿兰达评论道. “我很自豪能与他们合作.”

最后, this extraordinary event on what began as a routine workday showcased the remarkable teamwork, 我们的团队致力于安全和快速反应. Their actions not only saved a life but also exemplified the ethos of safety-first that runs deep within our organization. 这个团队和他们的行动,是雅各布斯和我们的骄傲 营运管理及设施服务(OMFS) 团队,为所有人树立了光辉的榜样.

最近, our Farmington team was recognized for their heroics with the annual 正规博彩十大网站排名 CEO BeyondZero Leadership Award, which formally recognizes and celebrates teams and individuals who lead the way with excellence at 正规博彩十大网站排名. 坚定不移地把事情做好, 挑战公认的, aiming higher and living inclusion – they set the bar for positively impacting our clients, 世界各地的人们和社区.

雅各布斯提供了操作和维护(O&M)自1999年起为法明顿市提供服务 最近获得了一份为期五年的续约合同. Recent accolades recognizing 正规博彩十大网站排名' dedication to technology, sustainability and safety include the 水环境联合会 今天的未来效用奖 有益的生物固体再利用和 落基山水环境协会 安全奖.